Screen Education today delivered a webinar to the members of Summer Programs and Auxiliary Revenue Collaborative (SPARC).
SPARC is the premier national organization serving independent school auxiliary program leaders. SPARC advances the professional growth and development of its members, while promoting auxiliary excellence at independent schools across the country. Screen Education's webinar --- How Smartphone Addiction Impacts Adults At Work, And What That Means For Educating Kids Today --- was designed to help SPARC's members generate ways they could add greater value to their auxiliary programs by incorporating principles designed to mitigate smartphone addiction among their program participants.
This evening Michael Mercier, President of Screen Education, delivered a webinar titled "Addressing Your Kids' Digital Addiction", to the Loveland, OH, High School's PTSA and participating parents. To learn more about the webinar, as well as our other webinar offerings, contact Michael Mercier at [email protected].
Michael Mercier, President of Screen Education, was interviewed Cincinnati KRC's Brian Thomas Show regarding the digital addiction seminars he is teaching at Cincinnati State's Workforce Development Center.
To listen, advance the player to 1:59:00. Listen here. |